Similar to a Previous Study (19)

The first step of AAV infection often requires the attachment of the capsid to carbohydrate moieties on the cell surface. Of the 11 well-characterized AAV serotypes, heparan sulfate proteoglycan and sialic acid have been suggested to be the attachment receptors for AAV type 2 and types 4 and 5, respectively. In this report, we identify … Read more

Terminal Sialic Acids are an Important Determinant of Pulmonary Endothelial Barrier Integrity

In some experiments the bacterial surface was desialylated with 13· In the earlier set of experiments that utilized neuraminidase, we noted that, following neuraminidase treatment, there were typically fewer cells in the dish, indicating that cells had lost cell-cell and/or cell-matrix adhesions. Sialic acid quantitation was carried out using the Sialic Acid (NANA) Assay kit … Read more

Global (United States, European Union and China) Sialic Acid Market Research Report 2024-2024

In addition, we determined by inhibitor (N-benzyl GalNAc)- and cell line-specific (Lec-1) studies that AAV1 and AAV6 require N-linked and not O-linked sialic acid. E. coli can transport and catabolize the common sialic acid, Neu5Ac, as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen but also related sialic acids, N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) and 3-keto-3-deoxy-d-glycero-d-galactonononic acid (KDN), … Read more

Staining with Anti-human CD14

Given the structural resemblance of RgNanOx to YjhC, it is likely that the E. coli oxidoreductase also uses the same mechanism of action for the reversible conversion of 2,7-anhydro-Neu5Ac to Neu5Ac. Given the accessibility of sialic acids in mucus-rich environments, their utilization offers pathogenic and commensal bacteria a competitive advantage to colonize and persist within … Read more

US20110165626A1 – High Yield Production of Sialic Acid (Neu5ac) by Fermentation – Google Patents

Different AAV serotypes display distinct tissue tropism, believed to be related to the distribution of their receptors on target cells. The AAV serotype helper plasmids pXR1, pXR2, pXR4, and pXR5, as well as the plasmid pXX6-80 containing the adenovirus helper genes for AAV replication, have been described elsewhere (32, 47). AAV6 helper plasmid pXR6 was … Read more